SWOT Analysis Worksheet

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool in which participants brainstorm, list and evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of and to their organization.

To complete the Strengths and Weaknesses portions of the form, as a group, your focus should turn inward. Brainstorm and discuss what the organization’s key strengths are that give it an advantage over other similar organizations. Then brainstorm and discuss the weaknesses that are preventing the organization from moving full speed ahead. For example, a strength may be a relationship between the organization and a major funder, while a weakness might be the dependency on too few funding agencies.

For the Opportunities and Threats portions of the exercise, focus shifts outside of the organization to what it must contend with to survive and flourish. Opportunities and threats come in many forms: new discoveries in technology, shifts in demographics, local, provincial or federal policy, another agency opening or closing its doors. . .

Once brainstorming is completed, turn weaknesses mitigation into a project supporting the strategic plan. Also prioritize, then map out the most promising opportunities or most deadly threats as other projects supporting your strategic plan.

Get the SWOT Analysis Worksheet here.