Often, boards and/or senior management want to undertake a visioning exercise but don’t quite know how to begin. This worksheet was created to respond to that challenge. Hand out copies of the sheet to each participant and ask them to take five minutes and fill in the three sections. Once that is complete, the facilitator for the session should go around the table asking people to share what they have written, section by section.
As others give their answers, participants should feel free to add new things that come to mind as they are listening. Once everyone has shared their answers, the facilitator can use the words that were provided to craft a vision statement on the fly. All participants can comment, add, delete or modify the statement as it is written.
Once you have a workable vision statement, delegate the final wordsmithing to one of the participants and move on the the next order of business. The wordsmith should return to the group at a future date with the completed statement for discussion and ratification.
Get the Vision Statement Worksheet here.