Non-profit Management: Annual-Checklist-for-Registered-CharitiesHere’s an easy thing for non-profit managers to do – develop an annual schedule of important activities and dates early in each year. When you present this list to the board, directors will thank you. As well, share it with your staff to make their planning easier.
Furthermore, you might even consider including a calendar on your website that lets everyone know your milestone dates. Many websites are able to restrict certain items or pages to certain visitors. If this is the case for your organization, consider pointing your directors to the website calendar to find key dates that only apply to them. It’s just one more task taken off of the non-profit management to-do list.

Capacity Canada have put together an excellent check-list that can be amended to suit your purposes. At the very least, it provides you with a guide so that you can develop your own. Be advised that every director will thank you for letting them know meeting dates and other key milestones early in the year. It makes their schedules much easier to build! And your staff will be happy knowing key deadlines for their work as well.

In conclusion, click here to view Capacity Canada’s Annual Calendar Checklist