What I Do

Organizational Troubleshooting

Do you wonder why your organization can’t seem to move forward? Do you question how your programs can become more successful? Often the difference between good and great is a small gap. And in some cases, the difference between success and failure in your operation can be traced to simple things that will come to light by going through an organizational troubleshooting exercise.

Strategic Planning

Has your organization had a session where, outside of routine formal meetings, the key management team members have discussed how the operation is hitting its goals, whether those goals continue to be relevant, how associated challenges have been overcome and so on? That little exercise can become the basis for developing an effective strategic plan.

Business Planning

Business planning may seem like a lot of work. However, a well written, detailed plan will save time, money and headaches if it is used regularly. There’s a good reason why banks always want your business plan — they want to know if you understand your business.


Our services in the area of governance include governance audits/reviews, governance policy development, facilitation of governance planning sessions, governance plan implementation and governance coaching for Boards, Chairs and senior management.

Policy Development

Policies are liked by no one, but embraced by everyone when they are needed. Developing actual policies involves research, consultation and integration of different types of information to produce written guidelines for behaviour. In an organization, policy applies to everyone from the Board of Directors to the front-line staff.

Operational Planning

Operational planning is the process of taking an organization’s strategic plan and breaking it down into tasks that respond to the strategies contained in that plan. Typically, for a multi-year strategic plan, operational plans would be developed on an annual basis, picking up where last year’s operational plan’s tasks were left. Operational plans are closely tied to budgets.

"Keith has the administrative capability to manage large administrations; he is very approachable and has an excellent understanding of organizations and issues surrounding administration and leadership."

Robert Duncan, First Nations Business Consultant

"Keith has demonstrated that he is methodological in his analysis and research and capable of assessing potential risk."

R.G. Government of Canada Executive

"Keith responded decisively and quickly to emerging opportunities and risks; and maintained composure in adverse situations to alleviate pressure and maintain momentum."

P.M. Government of BC Executive

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